24-10-641, V. Barbu, M. Rehmeier and M. Röckner (PDF) p-Brownian motion and the p-Laplacian 2024Communicated by
24-06-640, Z. Hao, J.-F. Jabir, S. Menozzi, M. Röckner and X. Zhang (PDF) Propagation of chaos for moderately interacting particle systems related to singular kinetic McKean-Vlasov SDEs 2024Communicated by
24-05-639, S. Grube (PDF) Strong solutions to McKean–Vlasov SDEs associated to a class of degenerate Fokker–Planck equations with coefficients of Nemytskii-type 2024Communicated by M. Röckner
24-05-638, P. Ren, F.-Y. Wang and S. Wittmann (PDF) Diffusion Processes on p-Wasserstein Space over Banach Space 2024Communicated by M. Röckner
24-04-637, M. Bormann, M. v. Renesse and F.-Y. Wang (PDF) Functional inequalities for Brownian motion on manifolds with sticky-reflecting boundary diffusion 2024Communicated by M. Röckner
24-02-636, B. Gess, M. Röckner and W. Wu (PDF) SVI solutions to stochastic nonlinear diffusion equations on general measure spaces 2024Communicated by
24-01-635, M. Erraoui, M. Röckner and J. L. da Silva (PDF) Cameron-Martin Type Theorem for a Class of non-Gaussian Measures 2024Communicated by To appear in: Stochastic Analysis and Applications
24-01-634, W. Wu, J. Zhai and J. Zhu (PDF) Large deviations for locally monotone SPDEs driven by Lévy noise 2024Communicated by M. Röckner