99-05-839, Y. Kozitsky and L. Wolowsi A nonlinear dynamical system on the set of Laguerre entire functions 1999Communicated by n.a.
99-05-838, Y. Kozitsky and L. Wolowski Laguerre entire functions and related locally convex spaces 1999Communicated by n.a.
99-05-837, S. Albeverio, Yu.G. Kondratiev, R.A. Minlos and G.V. Shchepan'uk Uniqueness problem for quantum lattice systems with compact spins 1999Communicated by n.a.
99-04-836, F.-P. Liebel Berechnung kausaler Strukturen 1999Communicated by n.a.
99-02-835, M. Errami, F. Russo and P. Vallois Itô formula for C1,λ-functions of a càdlàg process and related calculus 1999Communicated by n.a.
99-02-834, S. Albeverio, Yu.G. Kondratiev, M. Röckner and T.V. Tsikalenko A-priori estimates and existence of Gibbs measures: a simplified proof 1999Communicated by n.a.
99-01-833, F. Russo, P. Vallois and J. Wolf A generalized class of Lyons-Zheng processes 1999Communicated by n.a.
99-01-832, S. Albeverio and L.D. Pustyl'nikov The random discrete string 1999Communicated by n.a.
99-01-831, A. Boutet-de-Monvel and I. Egorova The Toda lattice with step-like initial data. Soliton asymptotics 1999Communicated by n.a.
99-01-830, A. Chahrour and J. Sahbani On the the spectral and scattering theory of the Schrödinger operator with surface potential 1999Communicated by n.a.
99-12-021, A. Ben-Amor (PDF) Continuous dependence of the eigenvalues of generalized Schrödinger operators 1999Communicated by Ph. Blanchard
99-12-020, A. Boutet-de-Monvel and A. Surkova (PDF) A frequency-domain inverse problem for a dispersive stratified chiral medium 1999Communicated by Ph. Blanchard
99-12-019, M. Martin Sur les propriétés des mesures spectrales des opérateurs de Dirac 1999Communicated by Ph. Blanchard
99-12-018, A. Chahrour (PDF) On the spectrum of Schrödinger operator with periodic surface potential 1999Communicated by Ph. Blanchard
99-11-017, S. Albeverio, Yu.G. Kondratiev, M. Röckner and T.V. Tsikalenko A-priori estimates for symmetrizing measures and their applications to Gibbs states 1999Communicated by Ph. Blanchard
99-11-016, M. Ben-Chrouda and A. Rezgui Measures and related spaces of test functions and distributions in infinite dimensional analysis 1999Communicated by L. Streit
99-11-015, S. Assing (PDF) Infinite dimensional Langevin equations: Uniqueness and rate of convergence for finite dimensional approximations 1999Communicated by M. Röckner
99-10-014, M. Röckner L1-Uniqueness on measurable state spaces: A class of examples 1999Communicated by Ph. Blanchard
99-10-013, A. Ben-Amor On the μ-eigenvalues of the operator - Δ + V μ defined in L2(μ) 1999Communicated by Ph. Blanchard
99-10-012, A. Boutet-de-Monvel and V. Kotlyarov Scattering problem for compatible differential equations and initial boundary value problem for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the semi-Axis 1999Communicated by Ph. Blanchard
99-10-011, D. Shepelsky A Riemann-Hilbert problem for propagation of electromagnetic waves in inhomogeneous, dispersive Ω waveguide 1999Communicated by Ph. Blanchard
99-10-010, H. Ouerdiane and A. Rezgui (PDF) Un théorème de Bochner-Minlos avec une condition d'intégrabilité 1999Communicated by L. Streit
99-09-009, Yu.G. Kondratiev, T. Kuna and G.V. Shchepan'uk (PDF) Classical limit for Euclidean Gibbs states of quantum continuous systems 1999Communicated by M. Röckner
99-09-008, L.D. Pustyl'nikov (PDF) Infinite-dimensional generalized continued fractions, distribution of quadric residues and non-residues and ergodic theory 1999Communicated by Ph. Blanchard
99-06-003, A. Boutet-de-Monvel A frequency-domain inverse problem for a dispersive stratified chiral medium 1999Communicated by Ph. Blanchard
99-06-002, R. Olkiewicz Environment-induced superselection rules in Markovian Regime 1999Communicated by Ph. Blanhard
99-05-001, S. Albeverio, Yu.G. Kondratiev, M. Röckner and T.V. Tsikalenko A-priori estimates for symmetrizing measures and their applications to Gibbs states 1999Communicated by Ph. Blanchard