22-11-607, L. Banas, M. Röckner and A. Wilke (PDF) Convergent numerical approximation of the stochastic total variation flow with linear multiplicative noise: the higher dimensional case 2022Communicated by Y.G. Kondratiev
22-11-606, V. Barbu, M. Röckner and D. Zhang (PDF) Recent progress on multi-bubble blow-ups and multi-solitons to (stochastic) focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equations 2022Communicated by Y.G. Kondratiev To appear in: Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
22-10-605, M. Cheng, Z. Hao and M. Röckner (PDF) Strong and weak convergence for the averaging principle of DDSDE with singular drift 2022Communicated by Y.G. Kondratiev Published in: Bernoulli 30(2), 2024, 1586-1610
22-10-604, V. Barbu and M. Röckner (PDF) The ergodicity of nonlinear Fokker-Planck flows in $L^1(R^d)$ 2022Communicated by Y.G. Kondratiev
22-10-603, V. Barbu and M. Röckner (PDF) Nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations with fractional Laplacian and McKean-Vlasov SDEs with Lévy-Noise 2022Communicated by Y.G. Kondratiev To appear in: Probability Theory and Related Fields
22-09-602, L. Beznea, I. Cîmpean and M. Röckner (PDF) Path continuity of Markov processes and locality of Kolmogorov operators 2022Communicated by Y.G. Kondratiev Published in: Stoch. Partial Differ. Equ. Anal. Comput. 12 (2024), no.2, 1100–1140.
22-07-601, Y. Kozitsky and M. Roeckner (PDF) A Markov process for a continuum infinite particle system with attraction 2022Communicated by Y.G. Kondratiev Published in: Electron. J. Probab.28(2023), Paper No. 67, 59 pp.
22-06-600, Z. Hao, M. Röckner and X. Zhang (PDF) Strong convergence of propagation of chaos for McKean-Vlasov SDEs with singular interactions 2022Communicated by Y.G. Kondratiev Published in: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 56 (2024), no. 2 2661-2713
22-06-599, Xiaolong Zhang and Xicheng Zhang (PDF) Ergodicity of supercritical SDEs driven by $\alpha$-stable processes and heavy-tailed sampling 2022Communicated by M. Röckner
22-06-598, M. Röckner, S. Shang and T. Zhang (PDF) Well-posedness of stochastic partial differential equations with fully local monotone coefficients 2022Communicated by Y.G. Kondratiev To appear in: Mathematische Annalen
22-04-597, B. Goldys, M. Nendel and M. Röckner (PDF) Operator semigroups in the mixed topology and the infinitesimal description of Markov processes 2022Communicated by Y.G. Kondratiev To appear in: Journal of Differential Equations
22-03-596, V. Bogachev, M. Röckner and S. Shaposhnikov (PDF) Zvonkin's transform and the regularity of solutions to double divergence form elliptic equations 2022Communicated by Y.G. Kondratiev To appear in: Comm. Partial Differential Equations
22-03-595, M. Cheng, Z. Liu and M. Röckner (PDF) Averaging principle for stochastic complex Ginzburg-Landau equations 2022Communicated by Y.G. Kondratiev Published in: J. Differential Equations 368 (2023), 58–104.
22-02-594, V. Barbu and M. Röckner (PDF) Uniqueness for nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations and for McKean-Vlasov SDEs: The degenerate case 2022Communicated by Y.G. Kondratiev Published in: J. Funct. Anal. 285 (2023), no.4, Paper No. 109980, 37 pp.
22-02-593, F.-Y. Wang (PDF) Existence, Uniqueness and Smoothness for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations 2022Communicated by M. Röckner